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You possess true talent, and we have the power to make things happen. The World Journal, a diverse media organization based in Chicago, sincerely invites you to join us, work together for a prosperous future, and plan your life accordingly. The doors of World Journal are wide open, welcoming professionals from the media industry who are fearless, resilient, innovative, and possess excellent communication skills. If you enjoy a social lifestyle, have a passion for challenging yourself, and strive for your ideal job, regardless of your educational background, as long as you have a strong aptitude for learning and are willing to put in the effort, World Journal is committed to providing you with a fair and equal opportunity for competitive and rewarding work. We foster your growth, which becomes a source of pride for your personal life and the entire industry, including World Journal.

Time is of the essence, and opportunities must be seized. Your decision today will shape a fulfilling future for you. As you traverse different strata of society on a daily basis, you will interact with business leaders, community representatives, professionals, market elites, dignitaries, and even local and national government officials who may seek your assistance. Do not miss out on this unparalleled opportunity. World Journal is at the forefront of the industry, constantly expanding its recruitment efforts to embrace the future and keep up with the latest trends. We have transitioned from print media to digital platforms, and World Journal excels in various media domains, including daily newspapers, free weekly publications, World Journal Weekly, yellow pages, special editions, World e-Paper, and World News Network. Our impressive achievements in North America are evident to all.

As the only privately-owned enterprise in North America that offers diverse media outlets primarily in Chinese, World Journal's monthly readership has already surpassed one million. As of February 28, 2022, the digital readership alone has reached 1.78 million, with a total of 27 million views. When considering our print editions, the readership exceeds two million. We are deeply cherished by the Chinese community.

Your talent, our strength—let's forge a prosperous future for your career. The World Journal family wholeheartedly invites you to join our team. For inquiries and further information, please contact us via email at [email protected].

World Journal is part of the United Daily News Group, a multinational Chinese-owned enterprise. Our business extends to every corner of the world where Chinese communities reside, providing them with spiritual nourishment on a daily basis. For business collaboration, inquiries, or any other matters of interest, please call 1-312-842-8080 or visit the following websites:

World News Network  https://www.worldjournal.com/;World e-Paper http://ep.worldjournal.com/。

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