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周星馳下神壇?「食神」首登中國 首日票房排不上前10

柯文哲聲押關鍵 前幕僚:政治貞操毀於交代不清的真鈔

為狗起爭執 她罵「滾回中國」 收死亡威脅

白人女子Denise Olin罵對方「滾回中國去」。(現場視頻)
白人女子Denise Olin罵對方「滾回中國去」。(現場視頻)



It took me a couple of days to decide whether I should share this video on social media because I could potentially lose a client, but I believe this kind of behavior should not be tolerated. Context: I’m a dog walker, and I walk a 65lb German Shepherd every day during lunch. On February 7, as we were finishing our walk, there was a lady with her small unleashed dog standing near the apartment entrance. To avoid any potential incidents, I asked the lady from a distance if she could leash her dog for a moment until we got inside the apartment. She refused and told me she had been living on the block forever and that I should not tell her what to do. She insisted that dogs shouldn’t be leashed. Seeing her irrational behavior, I decided not to engage further and quickly brought the German Shepherd back inside. The video captures the incident that occurred yesterday, February 24. As I walked the German Shepherd, she approached with her camera and was harassing me. I began recording as well, and she started making racist comments, telling me to “Go back to China” and mocking the Chinese language. She then proceeded to rally her neighbors and fabricate lies about things I had supposedly said. She continued to harass me down the block. A police car happened to drive by; feeling unsafe, I waved down the police car and asked for help. I filed a police report about the incident, and she also told the police she wanted to file a report. She made up lies to the police, claiming that I had made racist comments toward her, despite the video evidence showing otherwise. I am Asian, but I am not from China. I am an immigrant, but my family and I have been living in America for more than 20 years. This is our home. It deeply hurts me that there are still people out there making such racist remarks. Despite knowing I was recording, the lady still had the audacity to make the hateful speech. It really makes me feel unsafe. I have rewatched this video over and over again. And I am still stunned and find it hard to believe that such blatant and appalling racism occurred in today's world.#hatespeech #racism #dog #losangeles #antiracism #leash #animal #asian #hate #discrimination #karen

♬ original sound - Cindy

事件發生在2月24日,位於Sawtelle地區巴特勒大道(Butler Avenue)的一處高檔社區。當事人是兩名女性居民,分別是白人女子Denise Olin、亞裔女子Cindy,當時兩人都在社區內遛狗。

據悉,Cindy的狗是一隻65磅的大型德國牧羊犬(German Shepherd)。事發時,Cindy要求Olin給她的小狗拴上狗繩,避免寵物之間發生衝突,但遭到拒絕。根據洛杉磯法律要求,人們在公共區域遛狗時,必須拴狗繩。現場錄影記錄兩人間的衝突,Cindy稱「加州是有拴狗法規的,讓我來告訴你吧」;Olin隨機反擊:「我來教育你,滾回中國吧。」Cindy表示:「我不想讓你的狗受傷。」

當Cindy稱Olin為「凱倫(Karen)」時,對方回答說:「你就是亞洲凱倫。」凱倫是美國等英語國家民眾使用的貶稱,代指歧視有色人種的中年白人女性,自認有權勢或要求超出合理範圍。視頻記錄顯示,白人女子Olin反覆問Cindy是否懂英文,並稱 「你該走了,我們不希望你在這個街區」。

兩名女子都用手機記錄當時衝突場景。據悉,在這起事件發生前,兩人曾因遛狗發生過類似爭執。Olin在視頻中稱,Cindy曾罵她為「婊子」,並稱 Cindy是當地街區最討厭的女人,「每個人都討厭你」。Olin還指出,Cindy也讓她回自己的國家,她是愛爾蘭人。但Cindy否認這項說法,稱Olin在編造故事。

視頻結束前,當Cindy詢問對方名字以便向警方報案時,可以聽到Olin當時報出一個亞裔假名字Wong Kang Hai。Cindy在社群媒體中指出,她向一輛路過的警車請求協助,向警方報案後,對方宣布她也要報案。Cindy寫道,「她向警方編造謊言,稱我對她發表種族主義言論,視頻證據顯示事實並非如此。」

記錄事情經過的影片2月26日在抖音(TikTok)上發布以後,觀看次數多達680萬次,近萬人留言評論。幾天后,在影片中發表種族歧視言論的Olin 2月29日稱,她接連收到死亡威脅,她對自己的言論感到後悔,並表示道歉,「我收到很多死亡威脅,非常震驚」。Olin 指出,其中一個死亡威脅是一封語音郵件,有人表示,如果她再發表這樣的評論,他們就會朝她的臉開槍。



這起事件引起許多華人反響,對於Olin的言行,一位不具名的華人批評指出,無論兩人之間有過什麼糾紛,白人女子的表現必須受到指責,首先遛狗不拴狗繩,觸犯法律;其次 「滾回中國去」,是對所有華裔的傷害;最後,她反覆質問對方會不會英文,嘲笑對方的英文,這也是一種強烈的歧視表現。


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